Emma Annette Wilson
Rowman & Littlefield
The following is a list of every digital humanities project discussed in Digital Humanities for Librarians. It is simply alphabetical, as the projects are already grouped thematically within the textbook, but I encourage you to browse this list to gain a sense of the kaleidoscope of digital work being done in the humanities.
Ainsworth, David, ed. The Edifice Project. http://edificeproject.ua.edu/.
Appel, Bernhard R., and Joachim Veit, eds. Beethovens Werkstatt. https://beethovens-werkstatt.de/.
Bentham Project. Transcribe Bentham. University College, London. https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/transcribe-bentham/.
Briggs, Ward, ed. Database of Classical Scholars. American Philological Association, Rutgers University. https://dbcs.rutgers.edu/.
Burkhardt, Anne Schlabach and Fred Burkhardt, project originators, James A. Secord, director, and Alison Pearn, associate director. Darwin Correspondence Project. http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk.
Busa, Roberto, originator, Eduardo Bernot and Enrique Alarcón, web writers. Index Thomisticus. 2005. http://www.corpusthomisticum.org/it/index.age.
Cohen, Dan, Geoffrey Rockwell, and Tim Hitchcock, eds. Data Mining With Criminal Intent. The Digital Humanities Institute, University of Sheffield. https://www.dhi.ac.uk/projects/criminal-intent/.
Cordell, Ryan, and David A. Smith, eds. Viral Texts: Mapping Networks of Reprinting in 19th-Century Newspapers and Magazines. 2017. https://viraltexts.org/.
Digital Scholarship Group, Northeastern University Library. “Viral Texts”. https://dsg.neu.edu/projects/viral-texts/.
Emory University. Slave Voyages. https://slavevoyages.org.
Folsom, Ed, and Kenneth M. Price, eds. The Walt Whitman Archive. https://whitmanarchive.org/.
Foltmann, Niels Bo, Axel Teich Geertinger, Peter Hauge, Niels Krabbe, Bjarke Moe, Elly Bruunshuus Petersen, eds. Catalogue of Carl Nielsen’s Works. http://www.kb.dk/dcm/cnw/navigation.xq.
Kelly, Jill, ed. Voices of SMU Oral History Project. DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University. 2018-present. https://www.smu.edu/Libraries/digitalcollections/ohdh.
King, Lindsay, and Peter Leonard, eds. Robots Reading Vogue. Yale University Library. http://dh.library.yale.edu/projects/vogue/about.shtml.
Lawton, Christopher, ed. Georgia Virtual History Project. http://virtualgeorgia.org.
Library of Congress. Revelations from the Russian Archives June 15-July 16, 1992. https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/index.html.
Lilly Library, University of Indiana. 4000 Years of Miniature Books. http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/miniatures/index.shtml.
Luxon, Tom, ed. Milton Reading Room. https://www.dartmouth.edu/~milton/reading_room/contents/text.shtml.
Nelson, Rob, and Justin Ayers, directors. American Panorama. https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/
Newman, William R., ed. The Chymistry of Isaac Newton. 2006. http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/newton/
Northeastern University. “Women Writers Project”. https://www.wwp.northeastern.edu/.
Olsen-Smith, Steven, Peter Norberg, and Dennis C. Marnon, eds. Melville’s Marginalia. http://melvillesmarginalia.org/Browser.aspx.
Pionke, Albert, and Emma Annette Wilson, eds. Mill Marginalia Online. http://millmarginalia.org.
Pleasants, Heather, director. Black Belt 100 Lenses, Alabama Digital Humanities Center. https://apps.lib.ua.edu/omeka/.
Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, Ohio State University. The King James Bible Virtual Exhibit. (2013). https://library.osu.edu/innovation-projects/omeka/exhibits/show/the-king-james-bible.
Shemek, Deanna, Anne MacNeil, and Daniela Ferrari, eds. IDEA: Isabella D’Este Archive. http://isabelladeste.web.unc.edu/.
Spears, Ellen Griffiths, ed. To See Justice Done: Letters from the Scottsboro Boys Trials. 2015. http://scottsboroboysletters.as.ua.edu/
University of South Carolina, Center for Digital Humanities. SnowVision. https://sc.edu/about/centers/digital_humanities/projects/snowvision.php.
University of Southern California Libraries. Black Britons in USC Archives and Special Collections. https://uscblackbritons.omeka.net/.
University of South Carolina Libraries. Nuremberg Chronicle. http://uscnuremberg.omeka.net/.
Welliver, Phyllis, ed. Sounding Tennyson. http://soundingtennyson.org/sounding/